Thanksgiving is upon us, Ben turns 20, Mac got a new shop toy and Jude turns into a moody teen. We’re not quite sure what to Make of the New Emily Blunt western drama series, The English. The Last Starfighter is a perfect, crappy-looking space adventure and Mortal Engines is an amazing-looking crappy story. Also, forgiveness
Drink a Tom & Jerry
Read The Darkness of Egypt by John Senior (essay published in The Restoration of Christian Culture)
Movies & TV:
The English (Prime)
For All Mankind Season 2 (Apple+)
Mortal Engines (Tubi)
The Last Starfighter (Google Play)
The Innocence of Father Brown by G.K. Chesterton
Other great stuff we like:
Mac’s book! Clueless in Galilee
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Theme song by Mary Bragg.
Our other show: Spoiled! with Mac and Katherine
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