Chapter Eight: A Doctor
There is a moment sometime in September in the South, when you realize that summer is not forever. Yesterday you were certain that...
Chapter Nine: An Evening Stroll
The crowds were thick on River Street. Sara and James walked together over the uneven cobblestones after their dinner avoiding...
Chapter Ten: An Unexpected Visitor
“Hey, Sara.” The voice coming through the phone was familiar, even if the number on the caller I.D. had not been. “Eve?” Sara had not...
Chapter Eleven: An Almost
Sara was standing at the kitchen sink, her arms up to her elbows in dishwater, trying to find that last fork she knew was in there. What...
An unexpected cry...
This morning I woke up for some reason thinking about the book "A Severe Mercy." I honestly can't remember what thread of thought led me...
How's it going with Georgia Cyber Academy?
Well...I guess it's going ok. We knew that it would be challenging. Of course it would be more difficult to have someone else's schedule...
Into the thick of it...
Here we are, six weeks into the school year. How's it going? How are YOU doing? Me...let's see. The thing about homeschooling is that...
7 Rules for Family Vacation Planning
What do I want to do? I want to travel. I want to have a home, a stable place to come back to. I love my house. There are days, months...
How do homeschooling and working fit?
A quick Google search will show you that families where both parents work and homeschool are not uncommon. Add ours to the mix. I have...
Starting something new...
With two of my boys, we will be continuing where we left of in May/June. Reading Eggs, Math and Spelling for Jude. For Sam, a variety...