CST #452: The Prophecy Foretold!
Ben LOVED LifeTeen, Tristan got a new car, we really liked Wind River, and we talk about God’s question for all of us. Movies & TV: Wind...
CST #451: Get a Job!
Ben is off at camp, Mac is off driving, Win It All isn’t a total loss, Lost in Space is a total win, and we appreciate someone reminding...
CST #450: Barbecuing for Freedom!
They still want to hold Jude back, Ben discovers D&D, Solo is a bunch of fun, we’re giving away an Exceptional scholarship and...
CST #449: A Truck Full of Asians
Mac has a good dad day followed by a disastrous supper, Bilbo takes care of a baby in the outback, and we encourage you to practice...
CST #448: Differences of Opinion
Mother’s Day and Kayaking adventures, our take on Lady Bird, and a listener asks us some tough choices that lead to some self-reflection....
CST #447: Buddy Bots!
The school year winds down as we struggle with after dinner routines. We check out the Rain on Netflix and rehash our conversion story....
CST #446: Squirrels on a Greased Pole
Ben brings home some prize money from a film festival, we clean out the basement, Infinity War is great, and why you should move over at...
Avengers Infinity War
Mac and Katherine spoil the SH*T out of the newest Avengers movie to drop. Send us some feedback: spoiled@macandkatherine.com
CST #445: Shepherds with Fangs
Sam keeps dreaming big, Mac drives for Uber, we catch back up with Westworld, and examine our roles as shepherds for our children. Movies...
CST #444: Pretty in China
The Barrons head back to Blakely, we loved the Isle of Dogs, and we stop talking about retirement and start talking about pivoting....