CST #506: FIrst Kisses & The Lion King
Father Ben spends a few days with us, Mac gets to meet Peter Kreeft, we love the new Lion King, and we give advice on raising a teen who...
Spoiled! with Mac & Katherine: Stranger Things 3
Mac and Katherine nerd over the third season of everyone favorite 90’s style show. Send us some feedback: spoiled@macandkatherine.com Our...
CST #505: Uncommonly Jabby
We have a great time at a couple’s dinner, Jude really likes daily Mass, Ben & Sam take in Steubenville Atlanta, Mac is loving his new...
CST #504: Liturgy of the Hours or Showers with Dogs
Bedroom renovations, Max has fireworks induced PTSD, Spiderman, Stranger Things, and Katherine takes on the Liturgy of the Hours. Movies,...
CST #503: Boiling Frogs & Toy Story 4
Mac & Katherine hit Chattanooga for their 20th, get hushed in a movie theater, get feedback on kneeling at Mass, and discuss how not to...
CST #502: I am Mother
Mac is done with the table and is on to painting the bedroom, we take on the Eucharistic Congress, and revel in Medieval Times! Also, we...
CST #501: Dark Phoenix is Not that Bad
Mac has a dude-heavy week, he and the boys go see Dark Phoenix, the whole family revels in The Mummy Returns, and we discuss reading...
Spoiled! with Mac & Katherine: The Monarch Chronicles
Mac and Katherine have a good ol water cooler conversation about Hollywood’s newest blockbuster cinematic universe in the form of 2014...
CST #500: Good & Tained
It’s our live 500th episode trainwreck of a show! We hear tons of voicemail, interview our boys, and sit down with the Willits as we try...
CST #499: Blow Lud-Sugar, Godzilla: King of Monsters
Aquatic center adventures, Avatar marathons, lots of big monsters, and Jude just can’t handle the pressure of being a priest right now....