CST #604: Boys v. Girls
Katherine has a no good, terrible, really bad day… or did she? Carl is back from the dead! All of our entertainment picks are downers,...
CST #603: Guest Satellite Dish
Sam turns 16 years on this earth, Katherine has a great time watching a terrible movie, Mac is in love with everybody in the movie...
CST #602: World Toddler Counsel
We take the Roberts out on the boat, Kat is driving a “new” car, Val is surprisingly compelling, and Kat has thoughts after listening to...
CST #601: Oliver Wendell J. M. Barrie Holmes
BBq at the Ryans, Katherine has pre-planning, The Thing is better than we thought it’d be, we revisit the Harry Potter movies and...
CST #600: Air-conditioned Tee-pee
Summer heat finally arrives...and so do the puppies! Mac uses duct tape in a new way. Ted Lasso is still good and email bails us out of...
CST #599: Ready to Tain!
The Barrons take our last trip for the Summer while Jude is off at camp. We educate our child by watching Gladiator, we interview an old...
CST #598: What Women Want: Shelves!
The prodigal Ben returns for a weekend, Mac is playing Mr. handyman, Black Widow’s little sister is way cooler than Natasha, and...
CST #597: The Biblical Roots of the Fast & Furious Saga
The Barrons go hiking and kayaking. We like Tomorrow War more than we thought we would, and we read from a bunch of mail...and we talk a...
CST #596: Weird Shangri La
The Barrons take two trips: one to North Georgia and one to South Georgia. This Means War is great to waste an evening with and Furious 7...
CST #595: Hey Google...I mean Sam.
The Barrons descend on Swainsboro for Father’s Day, Loki exceeds expectations, and Katherine marvels at Saints Who Battled Satin. Movies,...